Big News for a Small Blog

Hey, everybody — this site is actually moving to a new url and a new platform (Ghost). The look is slightly different, and emails should be easier to manage (and will contain complete posts rather than just links), but other than a hopefully more frequent posting schedule, I don’t think much else will change.

If you currently subscribe to the email list, you will need to resubscribe at the new site! RSS feeds will also change. Here is everything you need to know:

  • The new web address is — all of this site’s posts have been migrated to the new site.
  • Go there now and follow the instructions to sign up for the email! Please!
  • As always, everything is free, as I can’t imagine anyone willing to pay for this stuff.
  • If you follow me on RSS, the new feed is
  • I will be turning off this WordPress site soon, and I will be redirecting each post to the new url.

Any issues or questions, feel free to reach out at hello at ourhumanthoughts dot com.

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